
Imagination Creates Reality, Zero Limits or Ho'oponopono?

Today, I would like to share with you a bit of history behind what is commonly known as Ho'oponopono, but may not necessarily be the official SITH-based method. Rather, it is something derived from Zero Limits which has taken the world during the past decade and spinned all sort of websites and derivate methods out there. 

The following is only my account of how things have evolved to the current point and is based on what I have witnessed during the past 17 years. I shall keep this rather to the point and cohesive, a sort of abridged version of it all. I have divided it in three parts, ICR, Zero Limits and then the Ho'oponopono. And how these three things inter-mingle.

Imagination Creates Reality

Back in late 1999 & very early in 2000 - I was introduced by a good friend of mine to the teachings of a mystic called Neville Goddard. His lectures and books made a lasting impression on me and sort of explained missing parts of how this reality, spiritual realms and consciousness operates. Granted, his works are rooted in mystical / philosophical / psychological interpretation of sacred writings, and the general tone was strongly about 100% personal responsibility as well as that your imagination and consciousness is the cause of phenomena in life. 

While Neville's career as a teacher peaked in 1950s and 1960s - continuing always up until his passing away in early 1970s -- his works became a bit forgotten and along came these modern time self-help gurus and spiritual cash cow seminars. Few members in our Neville Goddard group felt like we need to share these teachings. I proceeded to scan my collection of some +100 lectures, another friend started digitalizing old tapes and reel-to-reel tapes and in the spirit of Neville's invitation -- please feel free to share, but please do not change it.. we felt like a small community service is needed.

The word got out little by little and spreaded also in the attention of one Dr. Joe Vitale who had already written several books about the power of mind as well as established recognition as a sort of Mr. Fire of the Internet Marketing, hypnotic marketing etc. -- especially in the United States. He was also one of the key figures behind making the now famous The Secret movement (with a tv documentary as well as numerous supplementary products). So he quickly gained interest in the teachings of Neville Goddard - and also participated in our Neville Goddard forum briefly. Soon he incorporated these techniques into his work -- also publishing his concept of the system in what was to be known as an Attractor Factor etc.

And Then Along Came Zero Limits....

Mr. Fire continued his work and expanding knowledge of principles operating behind the consciousness, and if I recall correct, he met an old friend who told him about the world's most unusual therapist, Dr. Hew Len. According to his friend, he had mastered a modernized version of ancient healing and problem solving tool called Ho'oponopono. And the story has that Dr. Hew Len faihtfully practiced (and still practices) and improved the method. That to a degree that while he worked with the Hawai'i State Hospital, overseeing the high security unit housing criminally insane patients -- he was able to help these patients without actually seeing them. This is all accounted in more detailed manner in Joe's book "The Zero Limits" available readily through bookstores and online versions such as Kindle. 

After having taken the Official Ho'oponopono training -- Joe Vitale got in touch with Dr. Hew Len and got him to agree to do several sets of Zero Limits seminars which are also available on the Internet for purchase for those who have interest.

During the past decade, the so-called Self-Help community has adopted the Zero Limits and it has spin off all kinds of web-sites, services and most of it is actually based on Zero Limits although many call it as Ho'oponopono. This might be a bit misleading if you are not aware of the background and the difference.

So I gotta give Joe a bit of credit and say whatever he touches seems to become a phenomena on its own. I attribute plenty of the fact that this ancient method is known today to Mr. Fire. He set it in motion through his Internet Marketing Channels like no other. Of course there are today many others who share and use this material; but it is good to know how this all erupted. 

The above is my abridged version of how things went, and I have witnessed this process first hand as I have been a subscriber of Dr. Joe Vitale's newsletters since early 2000.

And then the Ho'oponopono? 

The Ho'oponopono or its modern version as primed up and fine-tuned by Dr. Hew Len is currently taught under Self-I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono and its main organization IZI LLC and participants sign a disclosure agreement  -- before being given access to this official version of teaching. 

This is also what I will be taking in Germany on 25th and 26th of March, 2017. Although I have studied through what is available by Dr. Vitale -- I felt like a calling to participate in the official seminar to get the original version which has not been taught publicly through Zero Limits (although they very well might be similar and Dr. Hew Len appeared as a teacher also in Zero Limits). 

At any rate, since this method also bases on taking 100% responsibility over everything in one's life or what you become conscious of, it is a great accompanying tool to what I have gained during my search -- and will probably open up new understanding and give processes and tools to tackle this journey known as a life.

Dr. Joe Vitale (on left), Dr. Hew Len (on right)

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